Thursday, August 18, 2016

CWE@USF Welcomes Dr. Eva Rueschen

The Career and Workforce Education faculty in the Leadership, Counseling, Adult, Career and Higher Education (LCACHE) Department at USF welcome Dr. Eva Rueschen, Research Assistant at the University of Paderborn, Germany, as a Visiting Scholar in the fall semester.

Dr. Rueschen holds a doctorate in Business and Human Resource Education, and has served as Manager of the Centre for Vocational Education and Training (CEVET) at the University of Paderborn since 2012. The CEVET is an international and interdisciplinary institute for research on vocational education and higher education. 

During her visit at the University of South Florida (USF), she will collaborate with Dr. Victor Hernandez-Gantes, Associate Professor in Career and Workforce Education and Program Director. Dr. Rueschen research interests focus on research questions in the context of higher education and the world of work in the United States (in comparison to Germany).

In particular, she plans to explore opportunities for collaborative research on two potential topics: (1) Students’ pathways from college to work (transitions), and/or (2) approaches to identifying and supporting talented students in undergraduate education. A result of her visit, a working paper is anticipated on the selected research topic featuring a review of literature, a comparative conceptual framework with regard to the educational systems in the United States and Germany, and a a component addressing challenges relating to the educational and vocational systems.

The topics of interest are clearly relevant to the program in career and workforce education at USF, and we look forward to exploring opportunities for potential collaboration during her visit. Willkommen!