Sunday, July 25, 2010

Hernandez Leads Group Study Visit in Germany

Bill Underwood, Alexis McLaughlin, Daniel Cox, Christina
Smith, Maniphone Dickerson, and Victor Hernandez
at the Hamburg Museum of Work in Germany.
Dr. Victor M. Hernandez, Associate Professor in the Department of Adult, Career and Higher Education, led a Group Study Visit to Germany with five doctoral students in Career & Workforce Education. The purpose of the visit was to learn about the design and organization of the German workforce education system, which has set the historical standard in the field.

Five CWE@USF doctoral students experienced Germany as part of a Group Study Visit to learn about the German workforce education and development system. Daniel Cox (Volusia County Schools), Maniphone Dickerson (USF), Alexis McLaughlin (USF), Christina Smith (Chiefland High School), and Bill Underwood (Hillsborough Community College) participated as part of a special section of a Comparative Study of Career and Workforce Education Systems graduate course at USF.

The Group Study Visit was conducted through the University of South Florida Study Abroad Program with partial support from a grant awarded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The visit was facilitated by the University of Bremen’s Institute of Technology and Education (ITB). Prof. Dr. Michael Gessler, Director of International Research in Vocational Education and Training led the support provided by ITB staff.

Beginning in July 8th, the study visit included an introduction to German history and culture of work in Hamburg, and an academic program in Bremen. The visit concluded on July 19th. Learn more...