Dr. Fletcher is currently serving as Co-Editor of the Journal of Career and Technical Education, and his research agenda focuses on understanding the role and impact of career and technical education school reform efforts (i.e., career academies) on schooling experiences, student achievement, engagement, and improving student outcomes from secondary to postsecondary education and work. Dr. Fletcher has approximately 30 peer-reviewed published articles, approximately 10 book chapters, and has presented at over 40 international, national, and local conferences on student participation, experiences, and outcomes related to career academies using qualitative (including multiple case studies), quantitative (including regression analyses such as HLM), and mixed method approaches. He also has experience using national longitudinal datasets (i.e. the 1997 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth). Dr. Fletcher recently served as a quantitative researcher on a $1,196,790 NSF grant entitled PathTech (NSF Grant #1104214). He currently is a PI on a $1,176,099 three year NSF grant entitled The IT College and CAREERS Readiness Project (NSF Grant #1614707) and Co-PI on a $778,031 NSF ATE grant entitled PathTech LIFE (NSF Grant #1501999).
Kudos to Dr. Fletcher for accomplishing an important professional milestone in academia!